So for today's unity tutorial we got to go out and find two of are own tutorials. I enjoyed this very much because It gave me a chance to find out some very useful things that I hope to use in my final gamw. Some of the previous unity tutorials were good but they did not help me much with the things I want to do ion my final game. The first tutorial that I watched and completed was called " HOW TO RANDOMLY SPAWN ENEMY POSITIONS WITH C# UNITY TUTORIAL " . this seemed like a very complicated thing at first but when I got into it it turned out to be a lot simpler then I had first imagined. first thing I did was bring previous enemy I had been working with. I first added in a cue and brought it to where I wanted the enemy to spawn. then I had to go into the code and fill in all the variables so the enemies could actually spawn after I did that it was pretty plain sailing. I am delighted that I now know how to do this and I will definitely use this in my final game a...