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Showing posts from December, 2021

New planting

 This week Kilmessan Tidy Towns completed a huge project. We planted 20 different trees/ plants all around the village and brought life to it. Lots of our plants were dying so we removed them and put in new vibrant ones.

Go Fund Me

 Kilmessan Tidy towns needs your donations. we have set up a go fund me page. link is on our app. we need money for the up keep of our village in 2022. thank you guys. 

winter litter pick

 This week we had a winter litter pick and it went great. at first it was disheartening to see the amount of rubbish that had been thrown along the side of roads in kilmessan but with the help of about 20 people we cleared all the roads. Everyone set off at different places and we all met up at the end. The litter pick lasted 3 hours but all in all great work was done and friendships were made in the process too. 

Meath County Awards

 The math county awards were on in November and it was a huge success for Kilmessan. Kilmessan Tidy Towns have been working tirelessly all year round to make the village a better place to live in and it was finally recognized tonight when Peter Gorman one of our longest serving members won the volunteer of the year award. This was a huge moment for Peter and the whole of Kilmessan.  as a whole Kilmessan would like to Thank peter for his amazing work and his continued support over the last decade.