For this post I decided to do the extra credit Wikipedia trail I found this to be very interesting to do and It did not feel like i was doing work at all . to start off this task I searched up game design on Wikipedia as it is something we are focusing heavily on in this module. I read through this carefully and got some great knowledge from it like how the new game design media industry has grown over the last decade. this was great to start with as it really helped me learn more about the things I should be learning on this module.
I then clicked on find a random article and this article came up .
this article was very interesting. it was about an author Casasses who published his first two books of poetry, La bragueta encallada (1972) and La cosa aquella (1982), in alternative editions. In 1991. Casasses published a second edition of La cosa aquella.
I then continued mt trail and found this. this article was very weird but I kind of enjoyed it. It was all about the venues that host figure skating in the winter Olympics. I personally do not like ice skating and have no interest in figure skating but I still found this article somehow enjoyable .
The last article that I went to was all sorts of weird and it talked about werebears. link to article. These are some mythical creatures that some people believe to be real but I personally do not believe they are real.
Overall I enjoyed this trail even though I did find some very weird articles that I had no interest in at all.
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