To start off this I watched the video that you linked on the website. The first thing I got from this video was the mechanics and dynamics of a game. these are vital to how you game will look and play. mechanics are the rules or constraints for the game e.g kill 50 zombies on dead island 2 and you complete level 3 . dynamics go a bit more in depth but they go into what strategies go into figuring out the rules of the game e.g you have to jump 5 times to kill a mushroom boss in mario 2. Each game is made up of several different abstractions.
the next thing that really made me think was that we need to get past using words such as fun. I fully agree with this as so many different people mind different things fun and others find them boring so instead of using the word fun try use the words "well made". this article was quite confusing to understand at time but I still do think it gave me a great insight into more of the finer details that goes into making a game. I will know how to make a more user accessible game and what elements to put into my specific game.
The second article that I read was called "Designing to Promote Intentional Play". by Clint Hocking. http://md2019.cdmonline.ie/designing-to-promote-intentional-play-by-clint-hocking/
This article started off very weird with Jesus playing golf but when you read more into it you see how clever this article actually is . when you start developing a game you have to consider that the designer and player are both active so the creative process can be equal. this wont happen in this module as you are a making a game on your own but If I go into game design after college this could be very useful.
One quote that really stood out to me was "Player Intention is the ability of the player to devise his own meaningful goals through his understanding of the game dynamics and to formulate meaningful plans to achieve them using the information and resources provided by the game." this quote really got me thinking about how my game will be diverse and have different things for people to do so it does not get boring very quick. sticky cameras also sound very interesting but I think they may be out of my reach in this module as I am practically a beginner in game design and unity is very outdated. I liked the part about messy systems as this is very relevant to me. unity at times can be very messy and this will make me have to gain a high degree of comprehension rapidly.
Overall these two articles have really give me an amazing insight into game design and how the player can get more immersed
into a game by the way you design it.
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