To start off this blog I went ahead and read the article about critical analysis that you had left for us top read. this article was very interesting and I learned a lot that I did not know before about reviews. I now understand that critical analysis is not just a review but it is an unbiased look at the game or movie in full. Anyone can make a review and if they have any ties to the maker of the game/ movie they will rate it high even if it is really awful that is why critical analysis is great as you get a proper all around review. the main aspect of critical analysis is to understand why the game developer chose the elements he did and how they all tie together to make the game complete.Designing a game requires the creation of all of the game’s parts. If you haven’t defined the formal elements of your game in a few ways, then you don’t really have a game at all.
The next article I read was the external link you left (link to article) this article was over 7 pages so I could only skim through it but I still read it for like 40 minutes. this article really gave me a great sense of what computer games really should be and posed a really good question as to why if their is a bad part of one game we cant make a new and fix it. I always wonder this as games keep coming out year with terrible parts in it and you just wonder who decided this was right to go here. the article then went on to talk about one of the most iconic games ever Mario 64 and it really sums how a simple game like this works by using this quote "The simplicity and solidity of Mario's world makes players feel more connected to, or responsible for, their actions." This sis so true as when you play Mario you get so connected to Mario as its just him your using so when you mess up it hurts more and when you complete a level you get a real sense of accomplishment.
Overall these articles really thought me that game design is a very complex thing but you can take elements from certain games and mash them together to hopefully one day create the near perfect game.
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